Valens Melatonin oral spray

Oral spray | Blackcurrant flavor | 25 ml | for 125 days | 0,13 €/day

Innovative oral spray with melatonin and vitamin B6.

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Innovative food supplement in oral spray form, featuring vitamin B6 and melatonin in low concentration, mirroring the one naturally present in the human body during the night. Convenient oral spray form offers easy dosing, optimal absorption starting in the oral cavity and a delicious alternative to capsules and tablets. The product has a delightful blackcurrant taste, it is sweetened with teeth-friendly xylitol and is sugar-free, making it a perfect pre-sleep choice.

Sleep solution in an oral spray form

Valens Melatonin is an innovative food supplement in oral spray form, featuring melatonin, the hormone of darkness. Its low concentration mirrors the one naturally occurring in the human body during the night, making the product safe for use. It is enriched with vitamin B6, which regulates hormones and contributes to normal function of the nervous system and to reduction of tiredness and fatigue. The oral spray offers several advantages:

Faster absorption, starting in the oral cavity

Excellent blackcurrant flavor and teeth-friendly xylitol

Suitable for individuals experiencing challenges with intestinal absorption  

Delicious alternative to capsules and tablets

Enables a low dose of melatonin in one spray and the option for customized dosage

Small packaging size, convenient for overseas travels, known for causing jet lag  


Hormone of darkness

Melatonin is a hormone, naturally produced by the pineal glands in our brains during the nighttime. Its secretion starts as darkness descends, with its peak concentration occurring between 2 and 4 AM. Referred to as "the hormone of darkness" because of its nocturnal release, melatonin not only regulates sleep patterns, but also plays a role in other physiological processes.

The rapid pace of modern life, stress, night shifts, and travel-induced time differences can disrupt the secretion of melatonin. Consequently, sleep issues are not uncommon, affecting many individuals, especially older adults, shift workers, and frequent travelers experiencing jet lag. Melatonin supplementation aligns with the body's circadian rhythm, potentially aiding in quicker sleep onset, alleviating jet lag, and increasing overall sleep duration, according to research.

Individuals require different doses of melatonin

Research provided evidence that required melatonin dosage varies, but even low dosages between 0.1 and 0.3 mg have been clinically proven to be effective while staying within concentrations normally present in the human body at night. Dosages exceeding 1 mg do not necessarily lead to better efficacy but may result in side effects such as changes in the day-night rhythm, etc. Valens Melatonin therefore contains 0.33 mg of melatonin, which is entirely safe for consumption.


Advantages of Valens Melatonin

  • Enables customized doses. 
  • Convenient form, suitable for night-time use and traveling. 
  • Sugar-free, sweetened with xylitol, which contributes to teeth mineralization. 
  • Excellent blackcurrant flavor. 
  • Made in EU.
  • GMP- and IFS-certified production, ensuring quality, safety and efficacy.

Pogosta vprašanja in odgovori

Hitrost učinkovanja je odvisna od vsakega posameznika. Svetujemo redno jemanje vsaj nekaj tednov oz. do želenih učinkov.

Seveda, za otroke do 2. leta starosti svetujemo odmerjanje v skladu z navodili, za starejše otroke (po 2. letu starosti) pa odmerek povišajte na 10 kapljic ali izberite kapsule Valens SuperBiotik, pri katerih je mogoče uporabiti le vsebino (vmešate jo lahko v vodo ali drug napitek).

Urnik jemanja tovrstnih izdelkov se načeloma lahko prilagodi vašim preferencam, najboljše pa je jemanje ob obroku oz. dve uri pred ali po zaužitju antibiotikov. Bolj kot obroki in čas v dnevu je pomembna konsistenca jemanja (vsak dan ob istem času). Pri dojenčkih, ki jih pogosto težijo kolike in krči, svetujemo, da se izogibate odmerjanju v večernih urah.

Ni splošnih smernic o tem, ali naj bi dojenčki jemali bakterijske kulture neprekinjeno ali s premori. Zato svetujemo, da se o vzrokih, načinu in trajanju dodajanja posvetujete z zdravnikom ali farmacevtom. Če boste med dodajanjem kapljic Valens BibaBiotik naredili premor, ne pozabite na dodajanje vitamina D3. Izberete lahko priročno ustno pršilo Valens D Natur, ki vsebuje 100 % naravne sestavine in ne povzroča krčev in kolik.  

Valens BibaBiotik zagotavlja zadosten odmerek za dojenčke – vsebuje namreč 400 IU vitamina D3, kar je količina, ki jo svetujejo tudi pediatri.

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