Valens D 3000 oral spray
Oral spray | Blackcurrant flavor | 25 ml | for 125 days | 0,12 €/day
High-strength (3000 IU) vitamin D supplement in oral spray form.
Innovative food supplement with clinically proven efficiency and excellent blackcurrant flavor contains high dose vitamin D3 (3000 IU), which contributes to maintenance of normal bones and normal functioning of the immune system. Convenient oral spray form offers easy dosing, optimal absorption and a delicious alternative to capsules and tablets.
Active ingredients per dose (0.45 ml): vitamin D: 75 µg or 3000 IU (1500% NRV*). *NRV – Nutrient Reference Value
Ingredients: Purified water, thickeners: xylitol (17 %) and xanthan gum, medium chain triglycerides, vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), emulsifier: acacia gum, natural black currant flavor, preservative: potassium sorbate, acid: malic acid, antioxidant: tocopherol-rich extract.
No sugar, gluten, lactose, colors or artificial flavors and sweeteners. It contains natural blackcurrant flavor and xylitol, which is naturally present in certain fruits.
Active ingredients do not originate from EU.
Directions: Shake well before each use. When using for the first time, press the pump 3 times to get the liquid flowing. Recommended daily dose is 1 spray, after a meal. For optimal absorption spray under the tongue or inside of the cheek. Clean the spray head after each use.
Storage: Store in a dry and dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25 ᵒC. Use within 6 months after opening.
Warning: Do not forget the importance of balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. Food supplement should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet. Recommended daily dosage should not be exceeded. Excessive consumption may produce laxative effects. Keep out of children’s reach.
High content of natural vitamin D3
Valens D 3000 is an innovative food supplement with a delightful blackcurrant flavor, offering a high content of natural vitamin D3 (3000 IU). Oral spray form facilitates faster and better absorption through the membranes of the oral cavity. This form is particularly convenient for those with digestive absorption issues, presenting a tasty alternative to capsules and tablets.
All Valens oral sprays contain cholecalciferol, natural form of vitamin D3, identical to the one produced in our skin under sunlight. They do not contain sugar and artificial sweeteners, flavors, colors, and gluten. Instead, they contain natural flavors and xylitol, which is naturally occurring in certain fruits.
Efficacy of Valens vitamin D oral sprays has been validated through clinical studies and trials.

Maintenance of normal bones and teeth

Maintenance of normal bones

Normal functioning of the immune system

Clinically proven efficacy
Numerous reports showed high prevalence of low vitamin D intake and vitamin D deficiency in Europe – particularly during the winter season, indicating the importance of vitamin D supplementation. There is some confusion regarding the dosages, as different associations recommend different amounts of daily intake of vitamin D. Question about appropriate dosing and formulation of vitamin D supplementation therefore arises. To get a more accurate answer to that question, Valens initiated a study about treating suboptimal vitamin D status that was conducted in Slovenia. Our goal was to prove efficiency of treating suboptimal vitamin D status with Valens D3 formulations.
Results of the study:
- Valens Vitamin D formulations are efficient in improving suboptimal vitamin D status
- Inhabitants of Continental Europe don’t get enough vitamin D in the wintertime due to inadequate exposure to sunlight.
- High dose of vitamin D3 (>1000 IU) or early supplementation is necessary for reaching optimal vitamin D status.
Role of vitamin D3 in the human body
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble hormone that plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health and well-being. Its primary functions include calcium absorption, bone and teeth health, immune system support and muscle function. We obtain vitamin D through sun exposure - it is synthesized in the skin in response to sunlight (UVB rays). In regions with limited sunlight or during certain seasons*, supplementation may be necessary to maintain adequate levels.
*If our shadow is longer than the size of our body, it means that sunlight is hitting at a sharp angle, preventing sufficient synthesis of vitamin D3 in our skin.
Vitamin D supplementation is recommended in all stages of life, and is especially important for:
- Infants and children
- Pregnant and lactating women
- Older individuals who spend more time indoors
- Women in menopause, where bone density tends to decrease.

Advantages of Valens D 3000
- Convenient oral spray form for fast and easy dosing.
- Sugar-free formula with xylitol, which is naturally present in fruit.
- Clinically proven efficiency.
- Excellent blackcurrant flavor.
- For 125 days of regular consumption.
- Made in EU.
- GMP- and IFS-certified production, ensuring quality, safety and efficacy.
Pogosta vprašanja in odgovori
Ustna pršila Valens vitamin D vsebujejo naravno obliko vitamina D3 (holekalciferola) iz lanolina, rumene voskaste snovi, ki jo pridobivajo iz runa ovac (ovčje volne). Gre za obliko, ki je identična tisti, ki jo s pomočjo sončnih žarkov tvori naše telo, in za katero je bila dokazana odlična absorpcija. Posebej za vegane pa smo razvili tudi ustno pršilo Valens D-Natural Vegan z vitaminom D3 iz rastlinskega vira (alge).
Vitamin D je nujno potreben tudi za nosečnice in doječe matere. Raziskave kažejo, da ima več kot polovica slovenskih nosečnic premalo vitamina D. V eni od raziskav, ki je bila izvedena v Sloveniji, so namreč pri kar 55 % sodelujočih nosečnicah izmerili nizko raven vitamina D. Zato morajo tudi nosečnice in doječe matere poskrbeti za zadostne količine tega pomembnega vitamina. Nosečnicam sicer svetujemo dodajanje do 2000 IU vitamina D3, zato sta primernejša izdelka Valens D-plus oz. Valens D 2000.
Priporočila glede vnosa so zelo različna. Zakonodaja o označevanju živil kot priporočen dnevni odmerek predpisuje le 5 µg (200 IU) vitamina D, medtem ko mnoga strokovna združenja priporočajo bistveno višje odmerke. Zato se postavlja vprašanje, kakšno količino vitamina D je smiselno dodajati. Prav naša klinična študija je dokazala, da bi morali Slovenci v jesensko-zimskem času dodajati več kot 1000 IU vitamina D3, da bi dosegli optimalno raven vitamina D v krvi. Tudi sicer priporočila strokovnjakov navajajo od 1000 do maksimalno 3000 enot vitamina D3 dnevno.
Vitamin D je maščobotopni vitamin, kar pomeni, da se shranjuje v maščobnem tkivu. Ko zaužijemo vitamin D, se lahko počasi sprošča iz maščobnega tkiva v krvni obtok. En in drug način doziranja sta zato učinkovita za vzdrževanje stabilnih ravni vitamina D3, izbira pa je odvisna le od vašega urnika in preferenc.
Ker ima Valens D 3000 razmeroma visok odmerek, svetujemo, da za otroke izberete Valens D-natur (400 IU), Valens D Junior (500 IU) ali Valens D-plus. Priporočen odmerek za dojenčke je 400 IU, za otroke od 1. leta starosti pa 1000 IU.
Dodajanje vitamina D je zaradi geografske lege in pogostosti pomanjkanja med Slovenci priporočljivo od septembra do maja. Dodajajte celotno obdobje, brez prekinitev.
Vrednosti vitamina D3 lahko preverite s krvnimi testi, na katere vas napoti osebni zdravnik. Krvne teste lahko opravite tudi samoplačniško v različnih diagnostičnih centrih.
Žal z nobeno. Le redka živila (mastne morske ribe, jajca, mleko in mlečni izdelki) vsebujejo vitamin D, a je količina tega pomembnega vitamina v njih zanemarljiva. Edini »naravni« način zadostne oskrbe z vitaminom D je njegova naravna sinteza v koži pod neposrednim vplivom sončnih žarkov. Ker študije kažejo na visoko pomanjkanje vitamina D3 na globalni ravni, strokovnjaki svetujejo dodajanje s prehranskimi dopolnili.
Vitamin D je maščobotopen vitamin, zato priporočamo, da ga zaužijete med ali takoj po obroku.
V prvi vrsti gre za izdelek, ki ima klinično dokazano učinkovitost. Ustno pršilo v primerjavi s kapljicami omogoča lažje in hitrejše doziranje, saj lahko vsebino odmerimo direktno v usta, brez nerodnega štetja kapljic. Hkrati je zelo okusno in predstavlja čudovito alternativo požiranju velikih kapsul oz. tablet. Vitamin D, ki se razprši v ustih, se skozi membrane ustne votline lahko hitreje absorbira v krvni obtok, zato ustna pršila zagotavljajo boljšo absorpcijo, poleg tega pa zmanjšajo obremenitev na želodec in prebavila.

Mnenja uporabnikov
Zdravnik mi je rekel naj pričnem z jemanjem in sem zadovoljna!
Uporabljam že nekaj let, 3000 mi je najljubši.
Imela sem nizke vrednosti vitamina D v krvi, zato sem začela uporabljati Valensove spreje. Odkar jemljem D3000 imam dobre izvide!
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