Valens B12 oral spray

  Oral spray | Cherry flavor | 25 ml | for 125 days | 0,10 €/day

Active form of vitamin B12 – methylcobalamin.

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Innovative food supplement in oral spray form with excellent cherry flavor, containing methycobalamin, active form of vitamin B12. Convenient oral spray form offers easy dosing, optimal absorption starting in the oral cavity and a delicious alternative to capsules and tablets.

Energy boosting vitamin B12

Valens B12 is an innovative food supplement in cherry-flavored oral spray form. It contains methylcobalamin, active form of vitamin B12 from natural source. Oral spray form facilitates faster and better absorption through the membranes of the oral cavity. This form is particularly convenient for those with digestive absorption issues, presenting a tasty alternative to capsules and tablets. Vitamin B12 contributes to:

Normal functioning of the nervous and immune system

Normal energy-yielding metabolism and reduction of tiredness and fatigue

Normal red blood cell formation

Normal psychological function

B12 pršilo

Active form of vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is one of the essential vitamins and is crucial for various bodily functions. It is particularly beneficial for nervous system, energy, synthesis of DNA, formation of red blood cells and overall cardiovascular health. Ensuring an adequate intake of vitamin B12, preferably in the form of methylcobalamin, is crucial for preventing deficiencies.

Methylcobalamin is an active form of vitamin B12, naturally found in animal-based foods. It is considered the ideal – active form – as it is readily absorbed and utilized by the body without requiring conversion.

Who is B12 supplementation especially recommended to?

Vitamin B12 is primarily found in animal products. Individuals following a strict vegetarian or vegan diet may have a limited intake of B12, making supplementation essential. Groups of people who may be at higher risk of deficiency include:

  • older adults – the ability to absorb B12 from food declines with aging
  • individuals with gastrointestinal disorders
  • pregnant and breastfeeding women
B12 pršilo

Pogosta vprašanja in odgovori

Hitrost učinkovanja je odvisna od vsakega posameznika. Svetujemo redno jemanje vsaj nekaj tednov oz. do želenih učinkov.

Seveda, za otroke do 2. leta starosti svetujemo odmerjanje v skladu z navodili, za starejše otroke (po 2. letu starosti) pa odmerek povišajte na 10 kapljic ali izberite kapsule Valens SuperBiotik, pri katerih je mogoče uporabiti le vsebino (vmešate jo lahko v vodo ali drug napitek).

Urnik jemanja tovrstnih izdelkov se načeloma lahko prilagodi vašim preferencam, najboljše pa je jemanje ob obroku oz. dve uri pred ali po zaužitju antibiotikov. Bolj kot obroki in čas v dnevu je pomembna konsistenca jemanja (vsak dan ob istem času). Pri dojenčkih, ki jih pogosto težijo kolike in krči, svetujemo, da se izogibate odmerjanju v večernih urah.

Ni splošnih smernic o tem, ali naj bi dojenčki jemali bakterijske kulture neprekinjeno ali s premori. Zato svetujemo, da se o vzrokih, načinu in trajanju dodajanja posvetujete z zdravnikom ali farmacevtom. Če boste med dodajanjem kapljic Valens BibaBiotik naredili premor, ne pozabite na dodajanje vitamina D3. Izberete lahko priročno ustno pršilo Valens D Natur, ki vsebuje 100 % naravne sestavine in ne povzroča krčev in kolik.  

Valens BibaBiotik zagotavlja zadosten odmerek za dojenčke – vsebuje namreč 400 IU vitamina D3, kar je količina, ki jo svetujejo tudi pediatri.

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