Valens Super Calcium powder

Powder | Neutral taste | 100 g | for 40 days | 0.42 €/day

Food supplement with multimineral complex Aquamin, natural source of calcium, magnesium and 72 trace minerals.

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Unique food supplement in powder form, featuring 100% natural multimineral complex Aquamin, plant-based source of calcium. It contains bio-active calcium carbonate, magnesium and 72 trace minerals, present in a natural balance, similar to their proportions in human bones.

The product is free from flavors, sweeteners, and other additives, yet it has a pleasant, neutral taste. Due to its pure composition, it is suitable for regular use, even during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The product does not include plastic dosing spoon and is packed in recycled plastic as a contribution to environmental conservation.

100% natural calcium from plant source

Valens Super Calcium is an innovative food supplement in powder form, featuring 100% natural plant-sourced calcium. It contains multimineral complex Aquamin, a natural source of bio-active calcium carbonate, magnesium and 72 trace minerals, present in a natural balance, similar to their proportions in human bones. Due to its natural source and special structure, Aquamin has a very good bioavailability, meaning the body can absorb and utilize it effectively.

The product is free from flavors, sweeteners, and other additives, yet it has a pleasant, neutral taste. Due to its pure composition, it is suitable for regular use. 

It does not include plastic dosing spoon and is packed in recycled plastic as a contribution to environmental conservation.

Bone and teeth health 

Muscle function 

Reduction of tiredness and fatigue

Digestive health

Valens Calcium

Essential vitamins for optimal bone health

Calcium is a vital mineral that plays a crucial role in various physiological functions within the human body. It is the most abundant mineral in the body - the majority (99%) of calcium in the body is stored in the bones and teeth. It contributes to maintenance of healthy teeth, muscle function, reduction of tiredness and fatigue and normal function of digestive enzymes. But its most important role is bone mineralization, providing bones with strength, density and overall structural support.

Bone mineralization involves the deposition of several minerals into the organic matrix of bone tissue, including calcium, phosphate, magnesium etc. One of the most significant benefits of Aquamin therefore lies in its natural balance of trace mineral (including iodine, selenium, zinc, iron, fluor etc.), mirroring the composition found in bones.

Calcium supplementation is particularly recommended for:

  • Older adults – As people age, bone density tends to decrease, making bones more prone to fractures.
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women – Calcium needs increase during pregnancy and breastfeeding to support the development of the baby.
  • Menopausal women – Low estrogen levels can increase the risk of osteoporosis.
  • Growing children and adolescents – During periods of rapid growth a sufficient intake of calcium is crucial to support bone formation.

Aquamin, sustainable source of minerals

Aquamin is a unique patented multimineral complex, derived from calcinated red algae (Lithothamnion sp.), found in the pristine waters off the coast of Iceland. The algae absorb minerals from the clear seawater, resulting in a unique mineral-rich composition.

Recognized for its superior quality, backed by clinical evidence, and boasting a sustainable production approach, Aquamin is committed to minimizing its environmental impact. The red algae are harvested sustainably through careful management of algae extraction and application of environmentally conscious practices. Over 50 clinical studies have proven its efficacy in different areas.

Rdeče alge

Pogosta vprašanja in odgovori

D-manoza je enostaven sladkor, ki se naravno nahaja v različnih rastlinah, npr. v brusnicah, brezi, koruzi, jabolku itd. Telo jo v manjši meri tudi naravno tvori iz glukoze, največ “telesu lastne” D-manoze pa najdemo v sečilih. Človeško telo D-manoze ne prebavi, večina se je izloči skozi urin. D-manoza se pogosto pojavlja v izdelkih za pomoč pri okužbah mehurja.

Najpogosteje je vzrok za vnetje mehurja bakterija E-coli, ki se sicer nahajajo v črevesju, »krive« pa so lahko tudi druge bakterije, redko celo gljivične okužbe. Pri ženskah se vnetja pogosto pojavljajo po spolnih odnosih, po kopanju v morju ali toplicah ipd., sicer pa so okužbe na splošno pogostejše pri ljudeh, ki pijejo manj tekočine.

V primeru vnetja lahko izdelek vzamete tudi dvakrat na dan. Sicer svetujemo odmerjanje 1-krat na dan. Izdelek vsebuje 2000 mg D-manoze, kar je dokaj visok odmerek v primerjavi z drugimi izdelki na trgu.

Vnetje mehurja je ena od blažjih oblik vnetij sečil, ki sicer sodijo med najpogostejše bakterijske okužbe. Vnetja sečil so zaradi krajše sečnice (cev, po katerem urin odteka iz mehurja) pogostejša pri ženskah. Krajša sečnica namreč bakterijam omogoča lažji vstop in prodiranje v notranjost, proti sečnemu mehurju. Vnetje mehurja je zelo pogosto pri mlajših ženskah v rodni dobi, zaradi suhe nožnice pa se pogosto pojavlja tudi pri ženskah v menopavzi.

Izdelek je primeren za redno preventivno uporabo, uporabljate ga lahko ob prvih znakih težav ali preventivno (npr. po spolnem odnosu). Ob dolgotrajnejšem vnetju pa seveda obiščite zdravnika.

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