Valens Pro Appetite liquid
Liquid | Cherry flavor | 150 ml | for 15 days | 0,93 €/day
Appetite stimulant with an innovative blend of lysine, selected B vitamins, natural artichoke and bitter orange extracts and royal jelly.
Unique food supplement in liquid form, designed for kids from the age of 3 and adults with loss of appetite and insufficient nutrient intake. The product contains essential amino acid lysine, natural bitter orange extract, which stimulates appetite, and natural artichoke extract, which has a beneficial effect on digestion. It is also enriched with royal jelly and selected B vitamins.
This innovative formula is suitable for kids from the age of 3. Combination of honey and natural cherry flavor gives the syrup its excellent taste.
The product does not include plastic dosing spoon and is packed in recycled plastic, which contributes to environmental conservation.
Active ingredients in 10 ml (2 teaspoons): Thiamin: 1.1 mg (100% NRV*), pantothenic acid: 6 mg (100% NRV*), vitamin B6: 1.4 mg (100% NRV*), folic acid: 200 µg (100% NRV*), vitamin B12: 2.5 µg (100% NRV*), L-lysine: 100 mg, royal jelly: 25 mg, artichoke dry extract: 13 mg, bitter orange dry extract: 30 mg.
*NRV – Nutrient Reference Value
Ingredients: Purified water, honey (30%), L-lysine hydrochloride, natural cherry flavor, bitter orange dry extract (Citrus aurantium), royal jelly, acid: malic acid, thickener: xanthan gum, preservative: potassium sorbate, artichoke dry extract (Cynara scolymus), calcium D-pantothenate, pyridoxine hydrochloride, thiamin mononitrate, pteroylmonoglutamic acid, methylcobalamin.
No gluten, lactose, colors or artificial flavors and sweeteners. Sweetened with honey.
Directions: Shake well before using. Recommended daily dose:
- children from the age of 3: 5 ml (1 teaspoon)
- adults: 10 ml (2 teaspoons)
Take on empty stomach, at least 30 minutes before a meal, individually or mixed with other beverages. The product is suitable for regular consumption if needed.
The product does not include a plastic dosing spoon (use teaspoon instead) and is packed in recycled plastic, which contributes to environmental conservation.
Storage: Store in a dark and dry space at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C. Refrigerate after opening and use within 1 month.
Warning: Do not forget the importance of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet. Recommended daily dosage should not be exceeded. Keep out of children’s reach.
Boost your appetite
Valens Pro Appetite is an innovative food supplement in liquid form, designed for children from the age of 3 and adults who have a lack of appetite and consequent insufficient nutrient intake.
Tasty combination of natural cherry flavor and honey is very popular among kids as well as adults, making supplementation a delicious experience.

Lysine, essential amino-acid

Natural bitter orange extract, which contributes to promotion of appetite

Natural artichoke extract, which has a beneficial effect on digestion

Selected B vitamins - vitamins B6 and B12 also help reduce fatigue and exhaustion, thiamine contributes to normal energy yielding metabolism, pantothenic acid contributes to mental performance, and vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid also play a role in the functioning of the immune system and normal psychological functioning


Lysine, essential amino-acid, and natural extracts
Lysine is an essential amino acid and is one of the key building blocks of protein. The human body lacks the ability to produce lysine, necessitating its intake through food sources, particularly those of animal origin such as eggs, meat, soy, cheese, and fish. An imbalanced diet may lead to lysine deficiency, resulting in a decline in appetite. Consequently, dietary supplements designed to boost appetite often include lysine.
Valens Pro Appetite also contains bitter orange extract and natural artichoke extract. Clinical studies have shown a stimulating effect of both extracts on appetite, and artichoke extract also has a beneficial effect on digestion.

Highest quality standards
GMP and IFS certified production.

Clinically proven ingredients
Selected ingredients with scientifically documented efficacy.

Delicious taste
Tasty combination of natural cherry flavor and honey

Designed for all generations
Suitable for kids from the age of 3 as well as adults, especially elderly.
Pogosta vprašanja in odgovori
D-manoza je enostaven sladkor, ki se naravno nahaja v različnih rastlinah, npr. v brusnicah, brezi, koruzi, jabolku itd. Telo jo v manjši meri tudi naravno tvori iz glukoze, največ “telesu lastne” D-manoze pa najdemo v sečilih. Človeško telo D-manoze ne prebavi, večina se je izloči skozi urin. D-manoza se pogosto pojavlja v izdelkih za pomoč pri okužbah mehurja.
Najpogosteje je vzrok za vnetje mehurja bakterija E-coli, ki se sicer nahajajo v črevesju, »krive« pa so lahko tudi druge bakterije, redko celo gljivične okužbe. Pri ženskah se vnetja pogosto pojavljajo po spolnih odnosih, po kopanju v morju ali toplicah ipd., sicer pa so okužbe na splošno pogostejše pri ljudeh, ki pijejo manj tekočine.
V primeru vnetja lahko izdelek vzamete tudi dvakrat na dan. Sicer svetujemo odmerjanje 1-krat na dan. Izdelek vsebuje 2000 mg D-manoze, kar je dokaj visok odmerek v primerjavi z drugimi izdelki na trgu.
Vnetje mehurja je ena od blažjih oblik vnetij sečil, ki sicer sodijo med najpogostejše bakterijske okužbe. Vnetja sečil so zaradi krajše sečnice (cev, po katerem urin odteka iz mehurja) pogostejša pri ženskah. Krajša sečnica namreč bakterijam omogoča lažji vstop in prodiranje v notranjost, proti sečnemu mehurju. Vnetje mehurja je zelo pogosto pri mlajših ženskah v rodni dobi, zaradi suhe nožnice pa se pogosto pojavlja tudi pri ženskah v menopavzi.
Izdelek je primeren za redno preventivno uporabo, uporabljate ga lahko ob prvih znakih težav ali preventivno (npr. po spolnem odnosu). Ob dolgotrajnejšem vnetju pa seveda obiščite zdravnika.

Mnenja uporabnikov
Jemljem ga vsak dan in res pomaga (lasje, celulit...).
Najboljši kolagen, takoj razlika na nohtih, lasje so daljši, bolj čista koža… okusa je pa res dobrega!
Res top izdelek! Občutna razlika po rednem uživanju. Lepi lasje, nohti, predvsem koža je dosti bolj sijoča in čista.
Edini okus, ki ga lahko prebavim. Dajem ga tudi moji mami, ki ji pomaga pri sklepih. Zelo zadovoljna.
Top kolagen. Najprej sem opazila razliko na nohtih, potem pa sem imela čedalje več novih, mladih laskov.
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