Valens Premium Omega-3 oil
Oil | 150 ml | Lemon flavor | for 30 days | 0,93 €/day
Exceptionally pure fish oil with lemon flavor and very high Omega-3 content.
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Food supplement with exceptionally pure, highly concentrated and IFOS-certified fish oil, derived from wild Alaska Pollock. Fish oil has a pleasant lemon taste and high omega-3 content (2400 mg): 1 teaspoon contains as much as 1450 EPA and 950 mg DHA, which contribute to normal heart and brain function and maintaining vision. The product is suitable for all generations.
Active ingredients in 5 ml (1 teaspoon): EPA: 1400 mg, DHA: 900 mg.
Ingredients: Concentrated Wild Alaska Pollock fish oil (Gadus chalcogrammus), natural lemon flavor, antioxidant: mixed tocopherols.
No gluten, lactose, preservatives, colors, sweeteners and artificial flavors. The oil is subjected to a purification process, which removes heavy metals, toxins and other impurities. It is regularly tested and is a subject to stricter standards than those prescribed by law in the EU.
Directions: Shake well before every use. Recommended daily dose:
- adults: 5 ml (1 teaspoon)
- children from the age of 3: 2.5 ml twice a week.
Storage: Store in a dry and dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C. Refrigerate after opening and use within 2 months.
Warning: Do not forget the importance of balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. Dietary supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet. Recommended daily dosage should not be exceeded. Keep out of children’s reach!
Lemon-flavored oil with exceptionally high omega-3 content
Valens Premium Omega-3 is a high-quality food supplement, featuring a highly concentrated and purified fish oil. It has a very high omega-3 content, providing 1400 mg of EPA and 900 mg of DHA.
Fish oil adheres to the highest standards and is IFOS-certified. It was designed to deliver all the benefits of omega-3 without compromise. The product is free from heavy metals, toxins, and other impurities. It is designed to be burp-free.
Fish oil adheres to the highest standards and is IFOS-certified. It was designed to deliver all the benefits of omega-3 without compromise. The product is free from heavy metals, toxins, and other impurities. Additionally, the capsules are designed to be burp-free.
Supports normal heart function
Promotes maintenance of vision and brain function
Aids in the development of the brain and vision in the fetus
Highest quality of fish oil
Who needs omega-3?
Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, specifically DHA and EPA, are essential nutrients that the human body needs for normal functioning but cannot synthesize on its own. The primary dietary sources of these fatty acids are fatty sea fish, such as salmon, sardines, and tuna; however, these fish are not frequently included in our diets. Furthermore, consuming large quantities of larger fish is not advisable due to the accumulation of heavy metals in their flesh.
For these reasons, experts worldwide recommend supplementing omega-3 with products containing concentrated and purified fish or algal oils rich in DHA and EPA.
DHA and EPA support normal heart function (with a minimum combined intake of 250 mg daily).
DHA is vital for maintaining vision and brain function (with a minimum intake of 250 mg daily).
DHA contributes to the development of the brain and vision in the fetus or infant during pregnancy and breastfeeding (with a minimum intake of 250 mg for the mother and 200 mg for the infant daily).
Advantages of Valens Premium Omega-3:
- Exceptionally high dose of DHA and EPA from the purest fish oil.
- IFOS-certified fish oil.
- GMP and IFS certifications ensure traceability of ingredients and 100% safety for the consumer.
- Does not cause burping.
- The best quality-to-price ratio.
Pogosta vprašanja in odgovori
Maščobne kisline so sestavni deli maščob, ki so sestavni del naše uravnotežene prehrane in jih glede na kemijsko obliko delimo na transmaščobe. nasičene in nenasičene maščobe. Nenasičene maščobne kisline sestavljajo nenasičene maščobe.
Medtem ko sta prvi dve skupini maščob zdravju škodljive in uživanje ni priporočljivo, nenasičene maščobe oz. nenasičene maščobne kisline naše telo nujno potrebuje za normalno delovanje. Dve najbolj znani in najbolj pomembni skupini nenasičenih maščobnih kislin sta omega-6 in omega-3. Omega-6 so v prehrani dokaj razširjene, zato se njihov pomen manj izpostavlja. Bogat vir so denimo sončnično, koruzno, sojino in bučno olje. Mednje npr. sodi linolna kislina, ki prispeva k vzdrževanju normalne ravni holesterola v krvi. Nenasičene maščobne kisline omega-3 pa so v prehrani manj razširjene in se zato vse bolj poudarja njihov pomen. Mednje uvrščamo alfa-linolensko kislino (ALK), dokozaheksaenojsko (DHK) in eikozapentaenojsko (EPK) kislino.
ALK pogosto najdemo v živilih rastlinskega izvora in je s prehrano zaužijemo dovolj (predvsem z rastlinskimi olji). ALK se v določenem obsegu v telesu pretvarja tudi v EPK in DHK. Alfa-linolenska kislina sicer prispeva k vzdrževanju normalne ravni holesterola v krvi. Edini prehranski vir EPK in DHK so mastne morske ribe oz. ribje olje.
Strokovnjaki omega-3 priporočajo tudi nosečnicam in doječim materam. Mnoge študije so namreč potrdile koristnost zadostnega vnosa DHK in EPK za pravilen razvoj možganov in očesne mrežnice ploda. Pri tem ima DHA pomembnejšo vlogo, še posebej v zadnjem trimesečju. Valens Omega-3 Forte kapsule so za nosečnice in doječe mamice primerne, saj vsebujejo optimalne koncentracije DHK in EPK iz najčistejšega čistega ribjega olja.
Tudi pri otrocih je vnos omega-3 s prehrano pogosto nezadosten, saj je uživanje morskih rib zaradi vsebnosti težkih kovin pri otrocih še posebej problematično. Zadosten vnos je ključnega pomena zaradi vloge, ki jo ima DHK pri razvoju možganov in vida. Tudi otrokom se zato svetuje dodajanje, običajno v odmerku med 100 in 500 mg DHK. Zaradi svoje oblike so kapsule nekoliko nerodne za otroke, bolj primerno zanje je ribje olje Valens Premium Omega-3, ki je prijetnega okusa in ga lahko doziramo prilagojeno.
Da gre za vrhunsko olje najvišje kvalitete in čistosti, dokazujejo certifikati, rezultati analiz in tudi uporabniške izkušnje. Ribje olje je proizvedeno s posebnim postopkom, ki preprečuje oksidacijo in zagotavlja svežino, hkrati pa odstrani vse težke kovine, toksine in druge nečistoče. Ima tudi certifikat IFOS, ki prestavlja najvišji standard kakovosti surovine. Nizka totox vrednost zagotavlja, da je ribje olje sveže, neoksidirano in da ne povzroča spahovanja!
Morske ribe so bogat vir DHK in EPK, zato v primeru rednega uživanja rib (vsaj nekajkrat tedensko) dodatki niso potrebni. Dodajanje pa je priporočljivo pri vseh, ki rib ne uživajo pogosto.
Pri visokih odmerkih (2 g dnevno) EPK in DHK lahko pomaga pri zniževanju ravni maščob (trigliceridov) v krvi.
Najvišji priporočeni odmerek je 5 g omega-3 nenasičenih maščobnih kislin dnevno, kar je zelo visoka vsebnost, ki jo prehranska dopolnila načeloma ne vsebujejo. Valens Omega-3 Forte kapsule vsebujejo 700 mg skupno.
Vedno najprej preverite skupno količino vseh vitaminov in mineralov oz. se posvetujte z zdravnikom, farmacevtom ali drugim strokovnjakom. Brez skrbi pa lahko omega-3 kombinirate z vsemi našimi izdelki, kot so kolagen, ceramidi, koencim Q10, vitamin C, vitamin D, probiotiki, magnezij, cinkom, B vitamini itd.
Oba izdelka (Valens Omega 3 Forte kapsule in Valens Premium Omega 3 olje) vsebujeta koncentrirano in prečiščeno ribje olje v obliki trigliceridov. Ta v primerjavi z etil estri omogoča boljšo absorpcijo ter nižjo stopnjo oksidacije.
Ribje olje v obeh izdelkih (Valens Omega 3 Forte kapsule in Valens Premium Omega 3 olje) je pridobljeno s posebnim postopkom, ki iz olja odstrani vse težke kovine, toksine in ostale nečistoče, hkrati pa zagotavlja izredno nizko totox (<5) vrednost*. Nizka totox vrednost pomeni tudi manj okusa in da izdelka ne povzročata spahovanja.
Kvaliteto dokazujejo rezultati testov in analiz:
Kakovost dokazujejo rezultati testov in analiz:
ITEM | EP (European Pharmacopeia standard / EFSA) | IFOS (Nutrasource/NDI 3rd-Party Testing | Valens Omega-3 Forte capsules |
Peroxide (PV) | < 10 mEq/kg | < 5 mEq/kg | 0.5 mEq/kg |
Anisidine (AV) | < 30 mEq/kg | < 20 mEq/kg | 3.9 mEq/kg |
Total Oxidation (TOTOX) | None specified | < 19.5 | 4.9 |
Acid Value | < 3.0 mg KOH/g | < 3.0 mg KOH/g | 0.3 mg KOH/g |
Mercury | 0.10 ppm (EFSA) | < 0.1 ppm | < 0,05 ppm |
Lead | 3.0 ppm (EFSA) | < 0.1 ppm | < 0,1 ppm |
Arsenic | N/A | < 0.1 ppm | < 0,1 ppm |
Cadmium | 1.0 ppm (EFSA) | < 0.1 ppm | < 0,1 ppm |
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam sed sem justo. Etiam tincidunt fringilla purus, ut bibendum leo posuere quis. Quisque vestibulum tempus urna, nec dapibus est convallis ac.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam sed sem justo. Etiam tincidunt fringilla purus, ut bibendum leo posuere quis. Quisque vestibulum tempus urna, nec dapibus est convallis ac.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam sed sem justo. Etiam tincidunt fringilla purus, ut bibendum leo posuere quis. Quisque vestibulum tempus urna, nec dapibus est convallis ac.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam sed sem justo. Etiam tincidunt fringilla purus, ut bibendum leo posuere quis. Quisque vestibulum tempus urna, nec dapibus est convallis ac.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam sed sem justo. Etiam tincidunt fringilla purus, ut bibendum leo posuere quis. Quisque vestibulum tempus urna, nec dapibus est convallis ac.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam sed sem justo. Etiam tincidunt fringilla purus, ut bibendum leo posuere quis. Quisque vestibulum tempus urna, nec dapibus est convallis ac.
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