Valens Lipovit C liquid

Liquid | Lemon flavor| 150 ml | for 30 days | 0,66 €/day

Lemon-flavored liquid with liposomal vitamin C and propolis.

New formulation.


SKU: 1439 Categories: ,

High-dose vitamin C supplement in liquid form with pleasant lemon taste. Daily dose contains 500 mg of liposomal vitamin C, enriched with propolis. Soy lecithin-derived liposomal delivery system enables optimal absorption, even at higher dosages, and is gentler on the stomach.

The product is packed in recycled bottle as a contribution to environmental conservation.

Liposomal vitamin C & propolis

Valens Lipovit C is an innovative food supplement in the form of a tasty liquid. Its innovative formula was designed to support the immune system and protect the cells from oxidative stress. This high-dose vitamin C supplement contains 500 mg of vitamin C in liposomal form, which protects vitamin C molecules and delivers enhanced absorption. It is also gentler on the stomach and prevents irritation of the stomach and GI tract. Vitamin C is enriched with propolis.

The product has a pleasant lemon taste, setting it apart from similar products. It contains no sugar and is sweetened with xylitol, a natural compound found in certain types of fruit.

Immune system support and protections of cells from oxidative stress 

Improves iron absorption and contributes to collagen synthesis

Skin, bone and cartilage support

More energy, reduction of tiredness and fatigue

Lipovit C
Vitamin C

The importance of vitamin C

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin, essential for normal functioning of the human body. It contributes to protection of cells from oxidative stress, normal function of the immune system, collagen synthesis, iron absorption, tissue repair etc. While most animals can synthesize it, humans must acquire it from dietary sources, mostly from vegetables and fruits, where it is found in abundance. Severe vitamin C deficiency, known also as scurvy, is therefore very rare nowadays.

Supplementation with vitamin C is nonetheless very beneficial, especially in the cold seasons and for people with risk factors (smoking, several chronic diseases, poor diet, alcoholism, intense physical activity, stress) who require higher daily doses of vitamin C, mostly for its antioxidative activity.

Advantages of liposomal delivery system

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin with high bioavailability. At moderate intakes (up to 400 mg at a time) approximately 70-90% vitamin C is absorbed in the intestine. At higher doses beyond 1000 mg daily, absorption decreases to below 50% and the rest in excreted in the urine. Increased amounts of vitamin C can also be tough of the stomach, causing discomfort and irritation.

A liposome is a small artificial vesicle, which can enclose and transport different substances. It consists of liquid core and phospholipid bilayer, which closely resembles the structure of cell membrane, making it possible for liposomes to fuse directly with human cell membranes. Liposomal encapsulation therefore enables optimal absorption even at high dosages, protects vitamin C against gastric and intestinal juices, and prevents the occurrence of gastrointestinal problems.


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Pogosta vprašanja in odgovori

D-manoza je enostaven sladkor, ki se naravno nahaja v različnih rastlinah, npr. v brusnicah, brezi, koruzi, jabolku itd. Telo jo v manjši meri tudi naravno tvori iz glukoze, največ “telesu lastne” D-manoze pa najdemo v sečilih. Človeško telo D-manoze ne prebavi, večina se je izloči skozi urin. D-manoza se pogosto pojavlja v izdelkih za pomoč pri okužbah mehurja.

Najpogosteje je vzrok za vnetje mehurja bakterija E-coli, ki se sicer nahajajo v črevesju, »krive« pa so lahko tudi druge bakterije, redko celo gljivične okužbe. Pri ženskah se vnetja pogosto pojavljajo po spolnih odnosih, po kopanju v morju ali toplicah ipd., sicer pa so okužbe na splošno pogostejše pri ljudeh, ki pijejo manj tekočine.

V primeru vnetja lahko izdelek vzamete tudi dvakrat na dan. Sicer svetujemo odmerjanje 1-krat na dan. Izdelek vsebuje 2000 mg D-manoze, kar je dokaj visok odmerek v primerjavi z drugimi izdelki na trgu.

Vnetje mehurja je ena od blažjih oblik vnetij sečil, ki sicer sodijo med najpogostejše bakterijske okužbe. Vnetja sečil so zaradi krajše sečnice (cev, po katerem urin odteka iz mehurja) pogostejša pri ženskah. Krajša sečnica namreč bakterijam omogoča lažji vstop in prodiranje v notranjost, proti sečnemu mehurju. Vnetje mehurja je zelo pogosto pri mlajših ženskah v rodni dobi, zaradi suhe nožnice pa se pogosto pojavlja tudi pri ženskah v menopavzi.

Izdelek je primeren za redno preventivno uporabo, uporabljate ga lahko ob prvih znakih težav ali preventivno (npr. po spolnem odnosu). Ob dolgotrajnejšem vnetju pa seveda obiščite zdravnika.

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