Valens Inositol powder
Powder | Neutral taste | 80 g | for 25 days | 0,876 €/day
Myo-inositol and D-chiro-inositol in 40:1 ratio.
Unique food supplement in powder form for women. It contains a specific combination of two forms of inositol: Myo- and D-chiro-inositol in 40:1 ratio, which occurs naturally in the plasma and boasts the highest level of clinical evidence supporting effectiveness of supplementation. The product is free from flavors, sweeteners, and other additives, yet it has a pleasant, neutral taste. Due to its pure composition, it is suitable for regular use.
The product does not include plastic dosing spoon and is packed in recycled plastic bottle as a contribution to environmental conservation.
Active ingredients in 3 g (1 level teaspoon): Myo-inositol: 2800 mg, D-chiro-inositol: 70 mg.
Ingredients: Myo-inositol, D-chiro-inositol.
No sugar, gluten, lactose, flavors, sweeteners or preservatives. Suitable for vegans.
Inositol do not originate from EU.
Directions: Recommended daily dose is 3 g (1 level teaspoon). Mix the powder with water or another beverage. In case of increased needs, double the dose. For optimal effects, consistent use is recommended.
Dosing spoon is not included. This is our contribution to environmental protection.
Storage: Store tightly sealed in a dry and dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C. Use within 3 months after opening.
Warning: Do not forget the importance of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet. Recommended daily dosage should not be exceeded. Keep out of children’s reach.
100% pure inositol
Valens Inositol is an innovative food supplement in powder form, featuring 100% pure inositol in two forms: myo-inositol and D-chiro-inosito in 40:1 ratio. This ratio occurs naturally in the plasma and has h the highest level of clinical evidence supporting the effectiveness of supplementation.
The product does not contain aromas, sweeteners, or other additives, yet is has a pleasant neutral taste. Powder form enables simple use and allows you to customize doses based on your needs.
Valens Inositol does not include plastic dosing spoon and is packed in recycled plastic bottle, which contributes to environmental conservation.
Scientifically demonstrated as the most effective formula.
40:1 ratio, naturally occurring in the blood (plasma)
What is inositol?
Inositol is a naturally occurring sugar alcohol that is considered a pseudovitamin, previously known as vitamin B8. Further research led to the understanding that, unlike essential B-vitamins, the human body can synthesize inositol on its own. Inositol is found in various foods, especially fruits, beans, grains, and nuts.
There are several distinct types of inositol, such as myo-inositol and D-chiro-inositol, both playing important roles in various physiological functions in the body. Extensive amount of studies have explored the benefits of a specific 40:1 ratio of myo-inositol to D-chiro-inositol.
Highest quality standards.
GMP and IFS certified production
100% pure
Without preservatives, flavors, colors, lactose or any additives.
High dose
Most researched formula.
Made in EU
Made in Slovenia, in the heart of Europe.
Pogosta vprašanja in odgovori
D-manoza je enostaven sladkor, ki se naravno nahaja v različnih rastlinah, npr. v brusnicah, brezi, koruzi, jabolku itd. Telo jo v manjši meri tudi naravno tvori iz glukoze, največ “telesu lastne” D-manoze pa najdemo v sečilih. Človeško telo D-manoze ne prebavi, večina se je izloči skozi urin. D-manoza se pogosto pojavlja v izdelkih za pomoč pri okužbah mehurja.
Najpogosteje je vzrok za vnetje mehurja bakterija E-coli, ki se sicer nahajajo v črevesju, »krive« pa so lahko tudi druge bakterije, redko celo gljivične okužbe. Pri ženskah se vnetja pogosto pojavljajo po spolnih odnosih, po kopanju v morju ali toplicah ipd., sicer pa so okužbe na splošno pogostejše pri ljudeh, ki pijejo manj tekočine.
V primeru vnetja lahko izdelek vzamete tudi dvakrat na dan. Sicer svetujemo odmerjanje 1-krat na dan. Izdelek vsebuje 2000 mg D-manoze, kar je dokaj visok odmerek v primerjavi z drugimi izdelki na trgu.
Vnetje mehurja je ena od blažjih oblik vnetij sečil, ki sicer sodijo med najpogostejše bakterijske okužbe. Vnetja sečil so zaradi krajše sečnice (cev, po katerem urin odteka iz mehurja) pogostejša pri ženskah. Krajša sečnica namreč bakterijam omogoča lažji vstop in prodiranje v notranjost, proti sečnemu mehurju. Vnetje mehurja je zelo pogosto pri mlajših ženskah v rodni dobi, zaradi suhe nožnice pa se pogosto pojavlja tudi pri ženskah v menopavzi.
Izdelek je primeren za redno preventivno uporabo, uporabljate ga lahko ob prvih znakih težav ali preventivno (npr. po spolnem odnosu). Ob dolgotrajnejšem vnetju pa seveda obiščite zdravnika.
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