Valens BibaBiotic drops
Drops | Natural | 7,5 ml | for 30 days | 0,44 €/day
Natural drops with beneficial bacteria and vitamin D3 for babies and kids.
Natural food supplement in drops form for babies and kids. Daily dose contains 300 million units of 2 specific lactic acid bacteria, chosen according to scientific proof. Bacteria is combined with vitamin D, which is especially important in early stages of growth, and fructooligosaccharides, type of fiber, that promote the growth and activity of good bacteria in the gut.
Active ingredients in 5 drops (0,25 ml):
- Lactobacillus rhamnosus 19070-2: 1,25 x 108 CFU*
- Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 12246: 1,25 x 108 CFU*
- Vitamin D3: 10 μg or. 400 IU (200% NRV**)
- Fructooligosaccharides: 1.7 mg
*CFU – colony forming units; **NRV – Nutrient Reference Value
Ingredients: Sunflower oil, Lactobacillus rhamnosus 19070-2, Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 12246, fructo-oligosaccharides, cholecalciferol.
No sugar, preservatives, gluten, sweeteners, flavors and colors. Naturally lactose-free.
Directions: Replace the cap with dropper to draw liquid. Shake vigorously to mix bacteria culture with oil. Recommended daily dose is 5 drops, once a day, best with meal or 2 hours before or after antibiotics. Administer the drops with spoon, added to milk to other beverages or directly into baby’s mouth. Securely close the dispenser after each use.
Storage: Store in a dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C. After opening use within 2 months.
Warning: The food supplement should not be used as a substitute for a varied diet. Recommended daily dose should not be exceeded. Excessive use may produce laxative effects. Keep out of children’s reach!
Active ingredients do not originate from EU.
Advanced formula for babies
Valens BibaBiotic is a natural food supplement in drops form for infants and kids. It is designed to support balanced intestinal microflora of our little ones. The product contains two specific and numbered Lactobacillus strains, that were selected according to scientifically documented and clinically proven quality. Valens BibaBiotic drops include:

Natural vitamin D, which is especially important in early stages of growth – it contributes to maintenance of normal bones, teeth, muscles and immune system

Fructooligosaccharides Actilight® that promote the growth and activity of good bacteria in the gut

Specific numbered strains
The term numbered strain typically refers to specific strain of bacteria that is identified and designated with a unique numerical code, providing several advantages for consumers:
- It ensures consistency in the formulation of probiotic products.
- It enhances transparency and allows the consumer to make informed choices
- It provides a level of assurance regarding the product’s quality
Valens BibaBiotic contains a unique blend of 2 specific Lactobacillus strains, which are naturally present in human intestines.
High resistance and stability of bacterial cultures
Bacteria in Valens BibaBiotic capsules are produced with a special patented cryo-protection technology, which ensures the bacteria have a much longer shelf life, higher survival rate, are resistant to stomach acid and can survive the stomach's harsh environment. The product has a long shelf life – 2 months after opening.

Advantages of Valens BibaBiotic
- Rich formula: 300 million bacteria from 2 bacterial strains.
- Specific numbered bacterial strains
- Added daily dose of vitamin D3 for infants.
- Longer shelf life: 2 months after opening.
- GMP and IFS certifications ensure traceability of ingredients and 100% safety for the consumer.
- The best quality-to-price ratio.
Hitrost učinkovanja je odvisna od vsakega posameznika. Svetujemo redno jemanje vsaj nekaj tednov oz. do želenih učinkov.
Seveda, za otroke do 2. leta starosti svetujemo odmerjanje v skladu z navodili, za starejše otroke (po 2. letu starosti) pa odmerek povišajte na 10 kapljic ali izberite kapsule Valens SuperBiotik, pri katerih je mogoče uporabiti le vsebino (vmešate jo lahko v vodo ali drug napitek).
Urnik jemanja tovrstnih izdelkov se načeloma lahko prilagodi vašim preferencam, najboljše pa je jemanje ob obroku oz. dve uri pred ali po zaužitju antibiotikov. Bolj kot obroki in čas v dnevu je pomembna konsistenca jemanja (vsak dan ob istem času). Pri dojenčkih, ki jih pogosto težijo kolike in krči, svetujemo, da se izogibate odmerjanju v večernih urah.
Ni splošnih smernic o tem, ali naj bi dojenčki jemali bakterijske kulture neprekinjeno ali s premori. Zato svetujemo, da se o vzrokih, načinu in trajanju dodajanja posvetujete z zdravnikom ali farmacevtom. Če boste med dodajanjem kapljic Valens BibaBiotik naredili premor, ne pozabite na dodajanje vitamina D3. Izberete lahko priročno ustno pršilo Valens D Natur, ki vsebuje 100 % naravne sestavine in ne povzroča krčev in kolik.
Valens BibaBiotik zagotavlja zadosten odmerek za dojenčke – vsebuje namreč 400 IU vitamina D3, kar je količina, ki jo svetujejo tudi pediatri.

Mnenja uporabnikov
Hvaležni, da smo končno našli nekaj, kar pomaga našem malem škratu in njegovem trebuščku.
Odkar jemljemo Bibabiotik kapljice nič ne jokamo, nimamo krčev, odvajanje je redno, samo pohvale za ta izdelek!
Dajal svoji hčerkici in razlika je opazna, krči so se zmanjšali na minimum (niso sicer popolnoma izginili), ampak je bilo dosti bolj znosno. Z dodajanjem smo nadaljevali tudi ob uvajanju goste hrane in moram reči, da je bila res pridna pri polnjenju plenic, tudi v primerjavi z njenimi prijatelji.
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