Valens MelaDerm capsules
Capsules | 30 capsules | 0.66 €/day
Exclusive formula against hyperpigmentation for brighter skin and radiant complexion.
Innovative food supplement in capsule form for more evenly toned skin. It features Oli-Ola™, a standardized olive extract that helps reduce signs of premature skin aging, promotes a firmer, smoother complexion, and is used to brighten the skin. The product also features L-cysteine, standardized cranberry extract, rich in polyphenols, vitamins C and E, niacin, and copper, which contributes to normal skin pigmentation.
Eco-friendly packaging with recycled plastic promotes environmental conservation.
Active ingredients in 1 capsule: Olive extract Oli-Ola™: 150 mg, vitamin C: 120 mg (150% NRV*), cranberry extract: 85 mg, L-cysteine: 50 mg, niacin: 15 mg (94% NRV*), vitamin E: 10 mg (83% NRV*), copper: 0.4 mg (40% NRV*). *NRV – Nutrient reference value
Ingredients: Olive extract Oli-Ola™, vitamin C (sodium-L-ascorbate), capsule (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose), cranberry extract, L-cysteine (L-cysteine hydrochloride monohydrate), vitamin E (D-alfa tocopheryl acetate), nicotinamide, copper (copper bysglycinate).
No gluten, lactose and colors. Suitable for vegans.
Active ingredients do not originate from EU.
Directions: The recommended daily dose is 1 capsule with enough water or other drink, anytime in the day. For optimal results, maintain regular intake. Capsules are suitable for long-term supplementation throughout the year*.
*For optimal skin protection, especially before and during summer and periods of intense sun exposure, we recommend using our Valens SunDoc capsules, formulated to shield the skin from harmful UV rays and prevent sun-induced damage.
Storage: Store in a dry and dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.
Warning: Do not forget the importance of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. Food supplement should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet. The recommended daily dose should not be exceeded. Keep out of children’s reach!
Dark spot formula
Valens MelaDerm is an exclusive food supplement in capsule form, designed to correct dark spots and promote a more evenly skin tone. Its ingredients block the production of excess pigment to help fade dark spots, brighten the skin, and provide antioxidant protection. The product features olive extract Oli-Ola™, L-cysteine, standardized cranberry extract, vitamins C and E, niacinamide, and copper. This unique formula is celebrated not just for its skin-brightening capabilities but also for promoting enhanced skin beauty and reduced signs of aging.

Oli-Ola™, 100% natural olive extract, standardized to hydroxytyrosol. It helps reduce signs of premature skin aging, promotes a firmer, smoother complexion, and is used to brighten the skin.

L-cysteine, a key element in glutathione synthesis, proven to have a whitening effect on the skin.

Antioxidants vitamins C and E, which protect the cells against antioxidative stress.

Niacinamide, an active form of niacin (vitamin B3), which contributes to skin health.

Copper for normal skin pigmentation.

Standardized cranberry extract, a source of polyphenols, known for their benefits.

Understanding skin pigmentation
Our skin reflects our health, well-being, lifestyle, and diet. Since our face and neck are most exposed, they often show the most damage and imperfections. One common issue is hyperpigmentation, a stubborn and frustrating beauty problem, especially for women. It doesn’t just affect our skin’s appearance — it can also hit our confidence.
Hyperpigmentation shows up as dark spots or freckles on the skin, often seen above the upper lip, on the cheeks, and forehead. This happens when our body produces too much melanin, the pigment that protects us from sunburn and gives color to our skin, hair, and eyes. Too much melanin can lead to tanning and those pesky dark spots.
There are several types of hyperpigmentation, distinguished by their causes and contributing factors. The most common types are:
- Sunspots (lentigo) – caused by excessive and unprotected exposure to sunlight or UV radiation.
- Melasma – linked to hormonal changes, such as during pregnancy, the use of hormonal contraception, and menopause.
- Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation – resulting from acne, eczema, or other skin conditions.
How to prevent and reduce spots
The first step in addressing hyperpigmentation is sun protection. Daily use of sunscreen, protective clothing, and specialized supplements helps prevent further darkening and the development of new spots. However, hyperpigmentation isn’t always caused by UV exposure alone, so this protection isn't always enough.
Additionally, pigmented spots can be managed with topical creams and dietary supplements that often include both melanin synthesis inhibitors and antioxidants to neutralize oxidative species. They help lighten the skin, remove pigment spots, and promote an even, natural complexion.
At Valens, we've developed MelaDerm, a complex blend of ingredients designed to ensure healthy, flawless skin:
- For a more radiant complexion
- For youthful, firmer skin
- For an even skin tone, free of spots and freckles

Highest quality standards
GMP and IFS certified production

Clinically proven
Selected ingredients with clinically proven efficacy

Made in EU
Made in Slovenia, in the heart of Europe

Potent formula
Rich blend of ingredients, known for its protective properties
Pogosta vprašanja in odgovori
Valens SunDoc vsebuje izbrane sestavine, ki klinično dokazano ščitijo kožo pred škodljivimi učinki UV žarkov. Za Astapure® in Nutroxsun® je bilo večkrat dokazano, da zmanjšata pojav rdečice, zmanjšata odziv kože, preprečita poškodbe v globljih plasteh kože in torej tudi poškodbe kožnih celic. Ker je alergija na sonce običajno odziv telesa na poškodovane celice, je jemanje smiselno, o učinkovitosti pa pričajo tudi odzivi rednih uporabnikov.
Betakaroten je naraven pigment oz. barvilo, ki se nalaga v zgornjih plasteh kože in lahko vpliva na njeno obarvanost. Če boste kapsule SunDoc uživali dlje časa, boste opazili nežno in enakomernejšo rjavo obarvanost kože.
Kapsule ne vsebujejo sestavin živalskega izvora, zato so primerne tudi za vegane.
Vedno najprej preverite skupno količino vseh vitaminov in mineralov oz. se posvetujte z zdravnikom, farmacevtom ali drugim strokovnjakom. Brez skrbi pa lahko izdelek kombinirate s Valensovim kolagenom v prahu, ceramidi, koencimom Q10, vitaminom C, vitaminom D, probiotiki, magnezijem, cinkom, B vitamini itd.
Valens SunDoc lahko jemljete sočasno s samim kolagenom, odsvetujemo pa hkratno jemanje izdelkov Valens SunDoc in Valens Kolagen Premium. Valens SunDoc kapsule namreč vsebujejo visok odmerek vitamina A, ki ga vsebuje tudi Valens Kolagen Premium. Svetujemo torej, da v obdobju jemanja SundDoc kapsul raje uživate Valens Kolagen v prahu, ki vsebuje 100 % čisti hidrolizirani ribji kolagen.
Zaradi dokaj visoke vsebnosti betakarotena (provitamina A) jemanje izdelka nosečnicam in doječim materam odsvetujemo oz. svetujemo posvet z zdravnikom ali farmacevtom.
O morebitni uporabi pri otrocih se posvetujte z zdravnikom ali farmacevtom. Trenutno ni dovolj dokazov, ki potrjujejo varnost izdelka pri otrocih. Izdelek načeloma lahko uporabljajo mladostniki po 14. letu starosti.
Vsekakor. UV sevanje je prisotno vse leto. Medtem ko je poleti najbolj problematično UVB sevanje, je UVA sevanje prisotno tudi pozimi, prodira pa celo skozi oblake in okna in pušča trajnejše posledice na koži. Celoletno jemanje kapsul SunDoc tako zagotavlja, da je koža ves čas bolje zaščitena tudi pred UVA žarki. Poleg tega pa učinkovine v kapsulah SunDoc ne nudijo le zaščite, pač pa kožo tudi negujejo in nahranijo od znotraj!

Mnenja uporabnikov
SunDoc je vrhunski izdelek, ki bi ga svetovala vsem, ki ste občutljivi na sonce ali si prizadevate k dodatnemu antiageingu poleg ostalih zaščitnih ukrepov.
Letos nisem dobila alergije na sonce, prav tako me kljub eni nepričakovani večji izpostavljenosti ni opeklo.
Prvič, da nisem bila poleti takoj rdeča in da nisem dobila alergije. Precej se tudi izogibam soncu in se dodatno zaščitim, ker sem nagnjena k hiperpigmentacijam. Sem prepričana, da je tudi Sundoc prispeval, da letos nisem pridelala nobenega novega madeža. 10/10.
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