Imunofit capsules
Capsules | 30 capsules | 0,62 €/day
Natural capsules with beta-glucan, vitamin C, vitamin D and CoQ10 for boosting your immunity.
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Natural food supplement in capsule form with carefully selected natural ingredients and preservative-free formula, designed to reinforce the immune system. It contains high dose of beta-glucan, water-soluble CoQ10 in Q10Vital® form and vitamins C and D, which contribute to normal function of the immune system and have a beneficial effect on immunity.
Active ingredients in 1 capsule: β-(1.3)-(1.6)-D-glucan: 200 mg, Vitamin C: 80 mg (100% NRV*), Coenzyme Q10: 20 mg, vitamin D: 20 µg/800 IU (400% NRV*). *NRV – Nutrient Reference Value
Ingredients: β-(1,3)-(1,6)-D-glucan, acerola extract: Malpighia punicifolia L. (natural source of vitamin C), capsule (hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose), Q10Vital® (modified starch, coenzyme Q10), vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol).
No gluten, lactose or colors.
Directions: Recommended daily dose is 1 capsule, taken in the morning on an empty stomach (at least half an hour before meal) or before bedtime. In case of increased needs, double the daily dose for 3 days, then continue with a single dose. For optimal effects, regular intake in recommended.
Storage: Store in a dry, dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.
Warning: Do not forget the importance of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet. Recommended daily dosage should not be exceeded. Keep out of children’s reach. Active ingredients do not originate from EU.
Exclusive formula with natural ingredients
Imunofit® is a natural food supplement in capsule form, offering a high level of nutritional support in a single one-a-day capsule. It contains a unique combination of yeast-derived beta-glucan with enhanced biological activity and Q10Vital®, world’s best CoQ10 with excellent absorption. Formula is enriched with vitamin C and vitamin D.

Vitamins C, D and zinc contribute to normal function of the immune system

Vitamin D contributes to normal maintenance of bones and teeth

Natural yeast-derived beta-glucan with enhanced biological activity

Q10Vital® - water-soluble CoQ10 with 4-times better absorption

Bulding the immunity
The immune system is a complex network of cells, tissues, and organs working together to defend the body against harmful pathogens. As adults, maintaining a robust immune system is crucial for overall health and well-being. But during cold seasons, people are often exposed to a higher risk of infections. Chilly weather, reduced sunlight exposure, and other seasonal factors can additionally support immune function, making supplementation particularly beneficial.
World's best CoQ10
For overall well-being, Imunofit capsules contain Q10Vital®, active water-soluble form of coenzyme Q10 with enhanced absorption. Results of several clinical studies showed 4-times better bioavailability of Q10Vital® compared to basic CoQ10. It is clinically proven world’s best CoQ10, featured in our Quvital® products as well.

Highest quality standards
GMP and IFS certified production

100 % natural
Solely ingredients from natural sources & preservative-free formula

World’s best CoQ10
Contains Q10Vital®, water-soluble CoQ10 with superior absorption

Powerful formula
High beta-glucan content
Pogosta vprašanja in odgovori
Hitrost učinkovanja je odvisna od vsakega posameznika. Svetujemo redno jemanje vsaj nekaj tednov oz. do želenih učinkov.
Seveda, za otroke do 2. leta starosti svetujemo odmerjanje v skladu z navodili, za starejše otroke (po 2. letu starosti) pa odmerek povišajte na 10 kapljic ali izberite kapsule Valens SuperBiotik, pri katerih je mogoče uporabiti le vsebino (vmešate jo lahko v vodo ali drug napitek).
Urnik jemanja tovrstnih izdelkov se načeloma lahko prilagodi vašim preferencam, najboljše pa je jemanje ob obroku oz. dve uri pred ali po zaužitju antibiotikov. Bolj kot obroki in čas v dnevu je pomembna konsistenca jemanja (vsak dan ob istem času). Pri dojenčkih, ki jih pogosto težijo kolike in krči, svetujemo, da se izogibate odmerjanju v večernih urah.
Ni splošnih smernic o tem, ali naj bi dojenčki jemali bakterijske kulture neprekinjeno ali s premori. Zato svetujemo, da se o vzrokih, načinu in trajanju dodajanja posvetujete z zdravnikom ali farmacevtom. Če boste med dodajanjem kapljic Valens BibaBiotik naredili premor, ne pozabite na dodajanje vitamina D3. Izberete lahko priročno ustno pršilo Valens D Natur, ki vsebuje 100 % naravne sestavine in ne povzroča krčev in kolik.
Valens BibaBiotik zagotavlja zadosten odmerek za dojenčke – vsebuje namreč 400 IU vitamina D3, kar je količina, ki jo svetujejo tudi pediatri.

Mnenja uporabnikov
Hvaležni, da smo končno našli nekaj, kar pomaga našem malem škratu in njegovem trebuščku.
Odkar jemljemo Bibabiotik kapljice nič ne jokamo, nimamo krčev, odvajanje je redno, samo pohvale za ta izdelek!
Dajal svoji hčerkici in razlika je opazna, krči so se zmanjšali na minimum (niso sicer popolnoma izginili), ampak je bilo dosti bolj znosno. Z dodajanjem smo nadaljevali tudi ob uvajanju goste hrane in moram reči, da je bila res pridna pri polnjenju plenic, tudi v primerjavi z njenimi prijatelji.
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