Valens SunDoc capsules

Capsules | 30 capsules | 0,66 €/day

Exclusive formula for protection of skin against UV-induced damage and reduction of visible signs of photoaging.


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Innovative food supplement in capsule form for protection of skin against sun damage and photoaging. It features selected ingredients with clinically proven efficacy and potent antioxidant activity: rosemary and grapefruit extract NutroxSun®, astaxanthin Astapure®, beta-caroten and vitamins E and C, which contribute to protection of cells against oxidative stress. The product also promotes a more radiant and even skin tone – without sun exposure. It compensates the limitations of topical sunscreen and represents healthy addition to everyday skincare routine.

Protection of skin from within

Valens SunDoc is an exclusive food supplement in capsule form, designed to protect the skin from damage caused by UV exposure. It contains selected ingredients, known for their potent antioxidative propertied and scientifically proven efficacy. This unique formula is celebrated not just for its protective capabilities but also for promoting enhanced skin beauty, reduced signs of aging and a more even skin tone.

Beta-carotene a type of natural pigment carotenoid and a precursor to vitamin A which contributes to overall health of the skin and helps combat oxidative stress, a major factor in the aging process. Beta-carotene is known to provide some level of protection against the harmful effects of UV-radiation.

Patented, highly pure astaxanthin Astapure®, cultivated in a process that mimics astaxanthin accumulation in nature. It contributes to skin beauty and has been clinically proven to effectively protect skin cells from the damaging effects of UV radiation.

NutroxSun®, patented combination of rosemary and grapefruit extracts, rich in polyphenols and flavonoids. It contributes to skin beauty and protects the skin against sun damage. Clinically proven, NutroxSun® supplementation significantly increases MED (minimal erythema dose).

Vitamins C and E, which contribute to protection of cells from oxidative stress and maintenance of healthy skin.

SunDoc hat

Aging of the skin

Skin aging is a natural process, induced by intrinsic factors, determined by age and genetics, and extrinsic – environmental factors, such as stress, diet, smoking, UV-radiation etc. Extrinsic aging is mostly a result of reactive species, which damage the skin cells, proteins and DNA, causing oxidative stress and premature aging.

Up to 80% of premature skin aging can be attributed to UV radiation exposure. Although UVA radiation is less intense, it reaches deeper layers of the skin, causing permanent damage; UVB radiation on the other hand penetrates the outermost layers of the skin, causing acute damage. The impact of sun radiation extends beyond the aesthetic, influencing both the appearance and health of the skin. This highlights the importance of sun protection measures.

Best protection is “multi-layered”

To protect your skin optimally, start taking SunDoc capsules at least two months before the summer begins, maintaining regular intake throughout the summer months when UV rays pose the highest risk to the skin. Even single capsule can offer protection – if you take it at least an hour prior to sun exposure, your skin is 30 % less likely to get red. Do not forget about external protection as well - Valens SunDoc serves as a complement rather than as a complete substitute for external protective measures.


Pogosta vprašanja in odgovori

Valens SunDoc vsebuje izbrane sestavine, ki klinično dokazano ščitijo kožo pred škodljivimi učinki UV žarkov. Za Astapure® in Nutroxsun® je bilo večkrat dokazano, da zmanjšata pojav rdečice, zmanjšata odziv kože, preprečita poškodbe v globljih plasteh kože in torej tudi poškodbe kožnih celic. Ker je alergija na sonce običajno odziv telesa na poškodovane celice, je jemanje smiselno, o učinkovitosti pa pričajo tudi odzivi rednih uporabnikov.

Betakaroten je naraven pigment oz. barvilo, ki se nalaga v zgornjih plasteh kože in lahko vpliva na njeno obarvanost. Če boste kapsule SunDoc uživali dlje časa, boste opazili nežno in enakomernejšo rjavo obarvanost kože.

Kapsule ne vsebujejo sestavin živalskega izvora, zato so primerne tudi za vegane.

Vedno najprej preverite skupno količino vseh vitaminov in mineralov oz. se posvetujte z zdravnikom, farmacevtom ali drugim strokovnjakom. Brez skrbi pa lahko izdelek kombinirate s Valensovim kolagenom v prahu, ceramidi, koencimom Q10, vitaminom C, vitaminom D, probiotiki, magnezijem, cinkom, B vitamini itd.

Valens SunDoc lahko jemljete sočasno s samim kolagenom, odsvetujemo pa hkratno jemanje izdelkov Valens SunDoc in Valens Kolagen Premium. Valens SunDoc kapsule namreč vsebujejo visok odmerek vitamina A, ki ga vsebuje tudi Valens Kolagen Premium. Svetujemo torej, da v obdobju jemanja SundDoc kapsul raje uživate Valens Kolagen v prahu, ki vsebuje 100 % čisti hidrolizirani ribji kolagen.

Zaradi dokaj visoke vsebnosti betakarotena (provitamina A) jemanje izdelka nosečnicam in doječim materam odsvetujemo oz. svetujemo posvet z zdravnikom ali farmacevtom.

O morebitni uporabi pri otrocih se posvetujte z zdravnikom ali farmacevtom. Trenutno ni dovolj dokazov, ki potrjujejo varnost izdelka pri otrocih. Izdelek načeloma lahko uporabljajo mladostniki po 14. letu starosti. 

Vsekakor. UV sevanje je prisotno vse leto. Medtem ko je poleti najbolj problematično UVB sevanje, je UVA sevanje prisotno tudi pozimi, prodira pa celo skozi oblake in okna in pušča trajnejše posledice na koži. Celoletno jemanje kapsul SunDoc tako zagotavlja, da je koža ves čas bolje zaščitena tudi pred UVA žarki. Poleg tega pa učinkovine v kapsulah SunDoc ne nudijo le zaščite, pač pa kožo tudi negujejo in nahranijo od znotraj!

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