Valens SuperBiotic capsules

Capsules | 30 capsules | 0,76 €/day

Advanced formula with 12 bacterial strains and 20 billion colony forming units.


SKU: 1387 Category:

Advanced food supplement in capsule form that aims to benefit general digestive well-being of kids (from the age of 2) and adults. Each capsule contains 20 billion bacteria from 12 specific bacterial strains, chosen according to scientifically documented and clinically proven efficacy and quality. Capsules are enriched with prebiotics, a source of food for your gut’s healthy bacteria. They are packed in special protective vial (Activ-Vial™), surrounded by a patented polymer (Activ-Polymer™) which has been proven to reduce the moisture and extend the shelf life of microbiological cultures and the product.


Advanced formula with selected probiotic strains

Valens SuperBiotic is an innovative food supplement in capsule form that aims to benefit general digestive well-being of kids and adults. Its formula was designed to promote digestive comfort and help with maintenance of healthy and balanced microbiome. Each capsule contains 20 billion CFU* and 12 specific bacterial strains, that inhabit the gastrointestinal tract. The strains are carefully selected according to scientifically documented and clinically proven efficacy and quality. Due to the patented cryo-protection production technology, the bacteria have a much longer shelf life, higher survival rate, are resistant to stomach acid and can survive the stomach's harsh environment. Activ-Vial™ packaging is proven to reduce moisture and prolong viability of bacteria. Valens SuperBiotic capsule include:

LactoGG®, ®, registered form of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG strain, the most researched probiotic in the world

Prebiotics – fructooligosaccharides Actilight® and hydrolyzed corn dextrin Nutriose®, that promote the growth and activity of good bacteria in the gut.


Specific numbered strains

The term numbered strain typically refers to specific strain of bacteria that is identified and designated with a unique numerical code, providing several advantages for consumers:

  • It ensures consistency in the formulation of probiotic products.
  • It enhances transparency and allows the consumer to make informed choices
  • It provides a level of assurance regarding the product’s quality and beneficial effects

Valens SuperBiotic contains a unique blend of 12 specific Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus strains, which are naturally present in human intestines. Among them is LactoGG®, a special patented Lactobacillus Rhamnosus GG strain, the most researched probiotic in the world.

High resistance and stability of bacterial cultures

Bacteria in Valens SuperBiotic capsules are produced with a special patented cryo-protection technology, which ensures the bacteria have a much longer shelf life, higher survival rate, are resistant to stomach acid and can survive the stomach's harsh environment. The product stands out as one of the few that allows consumers to open the capsule and consume its content only, by mixing it into water or another beverage.

Improper storage, exposure to moisture, and suboptimal temperatures can compromise the integrity of bacterial cultures, diminishing the stability and efficacy of a product, particularly as it approaches the end of its shelf life. To address this issue, Valens SuperBiotic capsules are packaged in a specialized Activ-Vial™ vial containing patented active polymer Activ-Polymer™. This proven technology effectively reduces moisture content within the capsules, thereby preserving and extending the shelf life of both microbiological cultures and the overall product.

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Pogosta vprašanja in odgovori

Hitrost učinkovanja je odvisna od vsakega posameznika. Svetujemo redno jemanje vsaj nekaj tednov oz. do želenih učinkov.

Izdelki z bakterijskimi kulturami so načeloma varni za uporabo med nosečnostjo oz. dojenjem. Pred uvedbo prehranskih dopolnil pa vedno svetujemo še posvet z zdravnikom ali farmacevtom.

Bakterijske kulture so zaradi posebne patentirane proizvodne tehnologije (cryo-protection technology) odporne na žolčne soli in nizek pH želodca, kar jim omogoča varen prehod do mesta delovanja. Kapsule Valens SuperBiotik so zato med redkimi na trgu, ki jih lahko odpremo in zaužijemo le njihovo vsebino – npr. tako, da jih vmešamo v vodo ali drug napitek, kar je še posebej priročno pri manjših otrocih, ki kapsule težko zaužijejo.

Urnik jemanja tovrstnih izdelkov se načeloma lahko prilagodi posamezniku in njegovim preferencam, najboljše pa je jemanje ob obroku oz. dve uri pred ali po zaužitju antibiotikov. Bolj kot obroki in čas v dnevu je pomembna konsistenca jemanja (vsak dan ob istem času). V primeru antibiotične terapije svetujemo, da kapsulo SuperBiotik zaužijete dve uri pred ali po zaužitju antibiotikov.

LactoGG® je patentiran sev mlečnokislinske bakterije Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG DSM 32550. Gre za najbolj preučen bakterijski sev na svetu – njegovo učinkovitost je namreč potrdilo več kot 1000 raziskav in 300 kliničnih študij.

Trajanje uživanja izdelkov z bakterijskimi kulturami je odvisno od več dejavnikov, vključno z razlogom za njihovo uporabo:

  • če jemljete izdelek za splošno podporo prebavilom, lahko nadaljujete z uživanjem, dokler želite vzdrževati ravnovesje koristnih bakterij
  • ob antibiotikih se priporoča, da bakterijske kulture uživate vsaj še nekaj tednov po končani terapiji
  • za reševanje specifičnih črevesnih težav se posvetujte z zdravnikom, da določite najustreznejši časovni okvir

Hkratno jemanje je celo priporočljivo za ohranitev ravnovesja bakterijskih kultur. Svetuje se, da bakterijske kulture uživate vsaj še nekaj tednov po končani terapiji.  

Izdelek vsebuje žive mikroorganizme, ki so občutljivi na dejavnike iz okolja, tudi na temperaturo, svetlobo in vlago. Hladilnik zagotavlja stabilno in hladno okolje, ki pomaga ohranjati živost bakterij.

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